Federal Law Section 504
PA Chapter 15
Other Protected Handicapped Students
A “protected handicapped student” is a student who is school age and possesses a physical or mental disability which “substantially limits” or “prohibits” participation in or access to any aspect of the school program. This disability must be validated by a licensed physician or psychologist identifying the impact of this disability as it relates to the student’s school program.
“Protected handicapped students” are distinct from those students who are being evaluated or already identified as “eligible exceptional students” whose educational needs require specially designed instruction from Certified Special Education Teachers.
In compliance with State and Federal Law, the South Allegheny School District will provide to each protected handicapped student, without discrimination or cost to the student or family, “those related aids services, or accommodations” which are needed to provide “equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities “to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities.”
For further information on the evaluation procedures and the provision of services to protected handicapped students, contact the District 504 Coordinators, Mrs. Christy Chicklo at 412-675-3070 Ext. 2305. for elementary students or Mr. Patrick Monroe at 412-675-3070 ext. 1217 for secondary students.
Gifted Education
PA Chapter 16
Gifted Support Education
The South Allegheny School District has created a screening and evaluation system which is consistent with the “multiple criteria” established in PA Chapter 16 for the identification of mentally gifted students. Annual academic progress reviews of district-based group achievement test results and grade point average (G.P.A.) are the initial district “child find” gifted screen activities. Individual intelligence testing is conducted with parental permission by the district school psychologist. Teacher assessment of student work is conducted by evaluation of “Excellence of Product”, “Higher Order Thinking Skills” and “Characteristics of Gifted Students”, including “Rates of Acquisition and Retention” of instruction. Parent input regarding characteristics of gifted students and areas of intense academic interest are weighed in the Gifted Multi Disciplinary Team Evaluation. Any member of the GMDT may request a gifted assessment of a student at any time. Due Process, Procedural Safeguards, Timelines and Confidentiality Laws are consistent with Chapter 14 students.
The South Allegheny School District provides gifted support services in every school through a combination of acceleration and enrichment activities which encompass both “pull-out” and “cooperative teaching activities”.