Special Education » Information


Special Education/Child Find Staff
Available Services
Services Available Within the District
-  Learning Support
-  Emotional Support
-  Speech/Language Support
-  Hearing Support
-  Vision Support
-  Other Health Related Impairments
-  Life Skills Support
Services Available Based Upon A Contract with Neighboring Districts
-  Life Skill Support
-  Physical Support
-  Autistic Support
-  Multiple Handicapped Support
Services Available Through Approved Private Schools
-  Deaf/Blindness Support
-  Traumatic Brain Injury Support
-  Orthopedic Impairment Support
Special Education
PA Chapter 14
Special Education Screening and Evaluation
Child Find Activities
The District participates in Early Intervention (ages 3-4) Education based upon a mutually agreed written arrangement (MAWA) with Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3 Project Dart and Head Start Centers. Screening for developmental delays and evaluation of eligibility for early intervention services is conducted by I.U. #3 Project Dart (412-394-5879).
South Allegheny Elementary School staff conduct kindergarten screening during spring registration. Results of the screening are reviewed by the building principal and school psychologist to determine if a formal multi-disciplinary evaluation is necessary.
Annual academic progress screenings are conducted by the building principals and guidance counselors to determine if a student requires an MDT evaluation. District-based group achievement test results, academic performance and instructional support team recommendations are assessed in these annual screenings.
Speech/Language screenings are conducted through a cooperative regular education teacher and speech/language therapist arrangement. The Speech/Language therapist co-teaches for 30 minutes daily in each kindergarten section.
Visual activity is screened in every grade, while hearing is screened in kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 7 and 11th grades. Gross and fine motor skills are screened initially during kindergarten registration. A formal evaluation is contracted through I.U. #3’s Occupation and Physical Therapy services. Audiological evaluations and functional vision assessments are contracted through I.U. #3. The district’s school psychologist is the single point of contact for all pre-screenings, screenings and requests for formal evaluations.
Assistive Technology, Mobility and Orientation, Vocational Assessments and Functional Behavior Assessments are contracted through I.U. #3 and related service providers following a review by the district’s school psychologist.
Parent Notice of Special Education Services
Other Protected Handicapped Students

Federal Law Section 504

PA Chapter 15

Other Protected Handicapped Students

A “protected handicapped student” is a student who is school age and possesses a physical or mental disability which “substantially limits” or “prohibits” participation in or access to any aspect of the school program. This disability must be validated by a licensed physician or psychologist identifying the impact of this disability as it relates to the student’s school program.

“Protected handicapped students” are distinct from those students who are being evaluated or already identified as “eligible exceptional students” whose educational needs require specially designed instruction from Certified Special Education Teachers.

In compliance with State and Federal Law, the South Allegheny School District will provide to each protected handicapped student, without discrimination or cost to the student or family, “those related aids services, or accommodations” which are needed to provide “equal opportunity to participate in and obtain the benefits of the school program and extracurricular activities “to the maximum extent appropriate to the student’s abilities.”

For further information on the evaluation procedures and the provision of services to protected handicapped students, contact the District 504 Coordinators, Mrs. Christy Chicklo at 412-675-3070 Ext. 2305. for elementary students or Mr. Patrick Monroe at 412-675-3070 ext. 1217 for secondary students.

Gifted Education

PA Chapter 16

Gifted Support Education

The South Allegheny School District has created a screening and evaluation system which is consistent with the “multiple criteria” established in PA Chapter 16 for the identification of mentally gifted students. Annual academic progress reviews of district-based group achievement test results and grade point average (G.P.A.) are the initial district “child find” gifted screen activities. Individual intelligence testing is conducted with parental permission by the district school psychologist. Teacher assessment of student work is conducted by evaluation of “Excellence of Product”, “Higher Order Thinking Skills” and “Characteristics of Gifted Students”, including “Rates of Acquisition and Retention” of instruction. Parent input regarding characteristics of gifted students and areas of intense academic interest are weighed in the Gifted Multi Disciplinary Team Evaluation. Any member of the GMDT may request a gifted assessment of a student at any time. Due Process, Procedural Safeguards, Timelines and Confidentiality Laws are consistent with Chapter 14 students.

The South Allegheny School District provides gifted support services in every school through a combination of acceleration and enrichment activities which encompass both “pull-out” and “cooperative teaching activities”.

Privacy Rights of Parents and Students
The South Allegheny School District and its employees are required by Federal Law and State and Federal Rules and Regulations to protect the rights of parents and students.
Any formal evaluation to determine eligibility for service under PA Chapters 14, 15 and 16 MUST be conducted with written Parent permission identifying the specific assessment measures utilized in the evaluation. Once this permission is granted, any information directly related to the student becomes part of the education record maintained by the district.
When a student becomes eligible for services, members of the school district’s professional staff must implement Chapter 15 Service Agreements or Chapter 14 and 16 Individualized Education Programs. Aspects of the educational records must be released (strengths, needs, specially designed instruction, behavior support plans, etc.) to allow the staff members to provide service to the student. Beyond this “need to know”, Federal and State Law mandate that information about students cannot be disclosed without written parent consent.
There are different categories of information, Educational Records and Personally Identifiable Information. Educational Records consist of information directly related to a student which are maintained by an educational agency. Personally Identifiable Information includes the student’s name, the name of the parent or other family members and a personally identifiable list of characteristics which would make the student’s identity easily known. Educational Records and Personally Identifiable Information cannot be disclosed or released without written parental consent or if a student is 18 years of age or older, without student consent. The consent must: (1) specify the records that may be disclosed, (2) state the purpose of the disclosure (3) identify the party to whom the disclosure may be made. Furthermore, South Allegheny School District must maintain a written record of disclosure for the parents to inspect. Finally, the parents may obtain a copy of their child’s education record at any time by contacting the district’s Coordinator of Special Education and Student Services at 412-675-3070 Ext. 2305.
The South Allegheny School District is an equal opportunity education institution and will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex and/or handicap in its activities, programs or employment practices as required by Title VI, Title IX, and Section 504. For information regarding civil rights, or grievance procedures, contact Dr. Lisa N. Duval, Superintendent, South Allegheny School District, 2743 Washington Boulevard, Liberty Borough, McKeesport, PA 15133—Telephone 412-675-3070 Ext. 1101.
Developmental Delays